After today, I will have completed my 11th day at home. I was dreading coming back, to be totally honest. Not that I don't love my family, but I was just sad to leave. Really sad, and not looking forward to adjusting. I love my life at school. Anyway, home has been far better than expected. I've stayed busy thus far, I've made a reading list, decided on a summer project, gotten a second job, begun reading through the New Testament...yet somehow, I've still often found myself dissatisfied. It isn't that I'm ungrateful; there are a couple reasons.
For one, it's hard to stay positive around here. Ethan's negativity is far more contagious than I ever imagined. I had never realized quite how much my attitude was affected by his, but now that I've been gone, it obvious to me. It affects my mom, too, which in turn gets me again. This summer, I'll work to figure how how to respond and deal with it. At the same time, being away from school has left me with far less spiritual encouragement. Here, I go to church one or two times each week; at school it was chapel anywhere from one to three times a week, small group once, Old Testament three times, church once, and random discussions about God and the Bible both inside and outside of class.
More importantly, I have no friends here--good friends, at least. I have people who are at that stage where they're more than acquaintances, but I wouldn't necessarily say they are friends. My friends are currently in Michigan, Georgia, Alabama, Romania, and South Africa. Immediately I came to the conclusion that maybe God did this for a reason. Maybe this is intended for me to become closer to him rather than relying on other people for support. After all, "there is a friend who sticks closer than a brother" (Proberbs 18:24). My question is, how do I make it where I look to God first? How do I make him my friend? Dozens of times each day, something happens, and I think about how I should tell a specific friend of mine about it. Why do I not think of God when things happen? How do I make communication with him natural and think of talking to him frequently, like I would if I was speaking to a person who was with me?
I am thankful for all the good things that have happened since I came home. I am certainly not sulking in any of the very few misfortunes that I have. I just want answers for how I'm supposed to go about learning these lessons.