Friday, May 29, 2009

Little Blessings

Today has been a good day, one that included Starbucks and Aveda tea, so I'm feeling quite positive. I thought it'd be a good idea make a list of some of the good things in my life, just for the record.

  1. Coffee
  2. Tea
  3. Cute movies
  4. Wonderful friends all over the world, even if they're not here in Illinois with me
  5. New friends
  6. New jobs
  7. Old jobs
  8. Jobs that neighbors randomly call me to do
  9. Awesome managers (Stephanie...and it's looking like Ken is going to be good as well!)
  10. Finding humor in the oddest places
  11. Seeing how God is working through the people I love
  12. Hamsters (Harold specifically)
  13. Oreos
  14. Big bags with which to sneak food into movie theatres
  15. Exercising
  16. The internet
  17. Disney music
  18. Friends (the show)
  19. All things Asian
  20. Funny stories 
  21. Pictures 
  22. Crystal Light
  23. Crumpets
  24. Things to look forward to
  25. Post-it notes that were lost but are now found!
I know that's only a few--I'm thankful for a whole lot more--but those are what has affected me most today. 

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