Thursday, June 18, 2009

Cookies and Crackers

I just realized it's been ten days since I last wrote anything! Unfortunately, in these past ten days, I haven't thought of anything brilliant. As all of you know, I started my job with Kraft last week, stocking and displaying primarily cookies and crackers. So far, it's been good! Some stores are far better than others, and some of the sales reps are much more pleasant to work with, but overall I really like it.  I like that I get to do a lot of driving to places I haven't been before--I've already learned a lot about where things are and how to get there. The only inconvenient part is that I don't find out if I'm working until after 5 pm the day before. It's impossible to make plans! I don't have a lot to say, though--it seems all I talk about lately is work. After all, all I do is work and spend time recovering from working. It's not too exciting, but it's pleasant.

For some reason, tonight I miss people from school significantly more than usual--Liz, Brad, Sharon, Mandie,'s sad. I want to go back! I've been happy here, really, but I don't feel like this is where I belong anymore. Like anyone, I act differently around different people. It's not that I'm fake or not myself around any of them; they simply bring out different facets of my personality. I like who I am at school with the people there better than who I am here. I'm happier there, more considerate, less selfish, more ambitious...and these wonderful people whom I miss so much are an enormous part of that. 

On the bright side, I had a really good, much-needed conversation with God on the way to work yesterday. I had no huge revelations or anything; we just talked. And this may or may not be related, but yesterday ended up being a fantastic day. How about that. if I think of anything interesting to say, I'll write more. I miss it! 

1 comment:

  1. Hey beautiful!
    Just wanted to let you know that I'm praying for you and that I love you!
