Sunday, January 24, 2010


One of the most stereotypical questions posed to Christians is, "If God is so loving, why does he allow so many bad things to happen in the world?" I can totally understand where people are coming from when they ask this. Where is God in the Haiti earthquake? Where is God in North Korea? Where was God in Svay Pak, Cambodia before the couple dozen brothels were raided and the victims of human trafficking were rescued? Where was God in Darfur? Or Rwanda? I'm comfortable not having all the answers, just knowing that my God cannot be constrained or defined by events that happen here on earth. Other people aren't satisfied with that, though, and I can't say I blame them.

I never had an answer. I didn't know how to respond. I'd verbally run in circles, trying to make up some excuse that lined up with the Bible and sounded rational. It didn't often work, and I felt defeated. Well now I am quite thrilled to say I have decided on an answer. I don't think it's possible to ever explain God's sovereignty completely, but I find this to be enough for now. 

Remember the book I said I read, True Story: A Christianity worth believing in? The author made a good point. In Old Testament times, the temple was the place where the people of Israel could encounter God. It was where heaven and earth intersected. Where the temple was, God was. Now, since Christ came and we have the Holy Spirit, Christians have become the new temple (1 Corinthians 3:16). We are the physical embodiment of God. Where WE are,  God is. 

The question is not "where is God?" It's "where is the church?" I believe God works in a myriad of ways, but as Christians, we have no right to question God's presence (or lack thereof) anywhere, in anything, if we ourselves are not physically bringing it there. Go. Support someone else who's going. Quit asking and do something. Bring God to the hopeless. 

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